I believe every hardship that we go through is there for a reason greater than we can imagine. Why we have to embrace it is a question with an honourable answer: Because it is a priviledge to touch lives powerfully through the pain we have borne before. How else would we be able to empathize, to understand and feel the seriousness of someone else's burden? We go through trials so that we can be strengthened in our weaknesses, so that we can learn to place our eyes not on our blessings but on the giver of all blessings. We go through trials so that some day we can testify. And as we testify we realise that our calling lies in the weaknesses of our past. The once hurt, have a heart for the broken-hearted, the once sick desire to lend a healing touch, the once homeless yearn to shelter the orphans, the once unloved impart only unconditional love.
Sometimes the manifestation that takes our unbelief to salvation, whether witnessed in our life or the life of another, embeds a calling within us at that very moment. Suddenly, objects of detestation become a burden to our hearts. We can no longer walk away from situations without making a difference. God may take us places we may not want to go, yet He takes us there because He knows the impact we make is irreplacable. He may place us where there is divison over mere preferences, where injustice prevails, where at times we may feel like the victim of it all. Yet the only perfect answer is to get through for if we don't the greater purpose may never be revealed & fruit never borne.
Freedom may be hindered, sacrifice may be demanded, acceptance may feel afar. But the lessons of love that we learn and the difference we make will make us the history maker, the life changer, the tradition breaker, the perfect warrior. We will be in His glory. We will shine.
Sometimes the manifestation that takes our unbelief to salvation, whether witnessed in our life or the life of another, embeds a calling within us at that very moment. Suddenly, objects of detestation become a burden to our hearts. We can no longer walk away from situations without making a difference. God may take us places we may not want to go, yet He takes us there because He knows the impact we make is irreplacable. He may place us where there is divison over mere preferences, where injustice prevails, where at times we may feel like the victim of it all. Yet the only perfect answer is to get through for if we don't the greater purpose may never be revealed & fruit never borne.
Freedom may be hindered, sacrifice may be demanded, acceptance may feel afar. But the lessons of love that we learn and the difference we make will make us the history maker, the life changer, the tradition breaker, the perfect warrior. We will be in His glory. We will shine.