It takes wisdom to be silent when loose words want to speak. It takes humility and power to say the right things at the right time even if it means saying nothing at all. It takes restraint to speak well chosen words, once spoken, always profound. It takes a God-child to respect those who heed no respect, to submit to those who we highly disagree with and to love those who earn hatred. Even more, it takes God in us to set ourselves a standard too high to be brought down: A heart of love and endurance. - Marie -
i dot hav 2 go far 2 read sum gud stuff..
i live next 2 da writter.
i lyk dz 1 mo..:)
"God in us" is jus superb stuf...a vibrant expression i shuld say...
i jus love those lines " it takes God in us to set ourselves a standard too high to be brought down: A heart of love and endurance."
Anna...u truly rock...God bless ya loads...:-)
JOAN:: "it takes a God-child to respect those who heed no respect, to submit to those who
u highly disagree with and to love those who earn hate" eeeeeeeee!!!!
this is tooo much!!!!
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