Sunday, November 1, 2009


What is faith I often wonder? Is it believing for greater things that are yet to come or believing simply for things that we ought to. When people loose loved ones, their dreams, their lives or their breakthrough, is it a question of their faith or simply the will of God to teach them more than they can perceive? Did Paul suffer 'cause he lacked faith? Did Jesus die cause he didn't believe enough that His father could save Him? Perhaps not. God's will channeled faith. Faith didn't manipulate. Faith is not believing in text book answers and random scripture..Faith is believing in that which God has planned for us even if it isn't prosperity or blessing. Faith is not isn't a long shot in the dark. Faith is faith when we believe that we can survive even though we have nothing, when circumstance doesn't change or possibly gets worse. I see faith in those who believe that the world is good even though they have experienced it's worst..I see faith in those who aren't healed, yet bring something good out of their sickness. I see faith in those who see prosperity in the little they get each day instead of whining for not gettin more riches. Faith is believing that all that God has promised us will come alive in fullness not just on earth but even more when we are in Heaven. Faith reflects wisdom even though it's a leap o' da impossible. It operates in truth, in Word, in God! Faith is more than prayin 2 b blessed. It is da substance of things hoped for & the evidence of things not seen yet FAITH is not BLIND...

1 comment:

super chick said...

yup I agree.. the best part of this post is that peple dont lack faith when they go thru the hard times its just that they are following God through their faith!