A Christian is one who leads by honest example - not false humility or people pleasing actions. A true Christian is one who embraces themselves the way God created them to be. They are a class of people who believe in a purpose and who stand for what God says is right. They are not the ones to be swayed by the world's standards of 'cool' or the church's standards of 'holiness' but rather looks to Christ as their example. They are strong confident individuals who are unafraid to love, unafraid of condemnation because they know that they belong to the Creator of the entire Universe. They are people who stand up for those who God would, they're bold to fight against that what is not right in GOD'S eyes in the way He has asked us to. They are those who are strong, courageous, bold, unafraid and at the same time loving, compassionate, forgiving, embracing, understanding. They are the people who understand that in their weakness God alone gives them strength. They are the people who strive to follow God's heart. They are the people who dream and hold on to their God-given passions to help change the world. They are beautiful people who reach out to people with God's love. They are people who love to love. They are people who are focused on the glorification of God and His undying and ever faithful love. They are the everyday believers we see around us. They are those people who love God and rely on Him entirely and strive to be called His own. And the most beautiful part is that we can be these people and our Spirit calls us to be the light in this world. It calls us to be a source of hope and love to a world that is starving and is hungry for acceptance and affection. Let us step forward in Christ. Let us share the love that we have so undeservingly inherited; love that has made us worthy to be called His children. Remember that God IS love. I ask you all to simply reflect God. Reflect His perfect and pure justice and above all His heart. If you wanna save people and bring them to Christ, i don't think there's a better strategy than love. When Christ showed it didn't it grab your heart and your attention?
..Selah! my prayer is to be everything that God created me to be..more than every kind of Christian cliche..to be everything that is in the image of Christ..More over, for those of us who are being tried & tested to be true believers, for those of us who are rising above.. it is not for our discouragement or loss but priceless moulding for a few chosen ones.. ones who wll one day change the world in a profound way like no else..like never before...
Lets not forget that there are others too who want to please God and not people.....lets not deceive ourselves thinkin that we r the only ones who claim to be God pleasers.......the question is do we assist them in pleasing God or get offended ???....let our thoughts talk back to us.....
I believe! Thansk for elaborating Roma..Its important to be working as One body of Christ! in Christ..for Christ..bless u both..
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