Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Thank You

Thank You for Your unconditional love & for each new mercy..Thank you for never giving up on me or on the world..Actually thank you for never giving up at all.. For there is none like You..A God who still delights in those who once turned away. None in the universe who bestows a 1000 second chances...Your compassion is as if you were never  wronged at all even though it is You who we blame first when all has gone wrong. 

You have only loved me and been my life.. You have only restored me & been by my side..You've always encouraged & inspired, carried me through it all.. You carry us all..telling each one of us you love us..loving us..longing to take us from strength to strength.. 

And it breaks my heart to live in the mystery of who truely loves you as you love us..We are unworthy of your love..yet we are loved beyond reason..but You who is all deserving, to YOU no justice is done.. but today as You have unfailingly said to me always ..I say to you with all my heart.. Lord.. I love you.. I believe in you..Thank you for being so strong..for doing it all.. 

Sometimes I wonder if you're alright even though You are God.. I wonder if You ever want to pull the plug on the world or if You ever feel the blues. I wonder how lonely it gets for a God who has to stand by His Word for better or for worse...I wonder how You feel when no one sees the unseen things You do..the unseen beautiful things you do..to make us smile..to fight our battles..to see us reign.. 

Often misunderstood by your own children..you long to fulfill our dreams and desires..you try so hard to take us to where our hearts want to go, but along the way we fall for traps in dreams' clothing..wondering why everything is falling apart..screaming out S.O.S to save us from our own delusions..

So thank you for being such a Champion.. a Winner..a Warrior..a Friend..a Father.. for being so brave..for being our God..for You are life itself and we are nothing without You


Roma said...

So alive ....Jesus is so tangible..
the ultimate Power who curbed His own power to embrace humanity.... is there a better definition for Power ????....God is truly God only when he helps us be humans .....a time when humans began to act like divine gods, the True one embraced the mud skin to exhibit true humanship.....Keep goin Marie...

Comfort-thats me said...

his love-simply undescribeable.
we will b so long gone.if he never kept his word.
so tru its lyk a marriage. 4 beter or 4 worse but luks lyk sumtyms in our relationship.he keeps da vow n we tend 2 break it all da tym but he still luvs.he lends by example.
God i pray u make me mo lyk u.