Lost in the sweet serenity of Your voice alive in Your Word, I can’t get by one day not knowing what You have to say. And yearning to hear what you believe I seek deep revelation. A beautiful serenade or just mere conversation would do for that is what sustains a longing soul like mine. And often I wonder why I depend on unsound opinion when it is Your utterance that breathes life. Why do I look to dissuasion when You so Powerfully leave me in reverie with Your compassion & light. A warm embrace of divine inspiration conquers mortal affection and every deep concern of my heart I find endorsed in memoirs aroused by You..Even when futility sounds in human connection, Your word lifts my life force. Undyingly, I know Your word is radiance in this dark tunnel; an indispensable light unto my path.
its realli beautiful to know that his word never dies in us and always is a soul lifter!
am falling mo in luv. wd him.
pure beauty. i wat 2 stand on da moutain tops n scream. ma luv 4 jesus. lyk seriously.
God;s word.is a sword. its wa i use 2 kill off depresion.n wa ever life throws at mi.
yu there sister you got a lot of word that does not blow my mind off but instead blasts it ......you keep up the good work........and you are loved...take care
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