Tuesday, November 25, 2008


He is one who draws people to be lead worshippers. He is one who expresses himself in every sense. He is one who worships in great extravagance that the spirit of worship may flow from within him into the hearts of others.

He is one who moves to the beat of a different drum. He is one who sings a greater song. He is one who unites cultures, who brings the rich and poor to common ground.

He is one who raises shouts of praise unto the Heavens. His worship knows no bounds. He unites a fantasia of universal differences as one voice. He inspires. His worship is contagious.

His worship is a true expression of love to the Father. He is so undignified in his praise that his foolishness is now adorned with the glory of God and thus inspires. He beholds the beauty of God, inside out. He shines God's glorious light.

He speaks to God even though he otherwise struggles to communicate. He is intimate with the Father even though he battles with closeness. He expresses love, even though expression is a struggle and discomfort. Thus he strives to win over every challenge that has hardened his heart and paralyzed his communication.

He is one who is real in worship. He strives to love God in some beautiful way when another way seems impossible. He captivates the heart of God through his love songs when actions fail and through art when words fail.

No matter what the circumstance, he is one who always leads. He is one who comes to God just as he is: In truth. He is one who others can relate to for he sets an example of expression through it all. 

He is one who praises the one of the Most High. He is one who sits at His feet in complete surrender. He expresses extravagant love that others may see and follow. He is not one who pretends. He comes just as he is for he knows that there is much more power in truth, that pretentious perfection.

Through the victories, through the tears, through the storms, through it all..
In faith, in hope, in expression, in truth..
Standing tall or on his knees..
He worships, he always leads..

He is the extravagant worshipper. - marie -

1 comment:

Comfort-thats me said...

God help me have a heart of an extravagant worshiper....so dat wateva i do wot b abt me bt u.
kep postin em..posts young lady.
I Kep waitin 4 da next!! XD