Monday, November 17, 2008


We call you God, Healer, Saviour, Redeemer. Yet, truely it is on our hardest times that we realize who You are. "Why?" we ask, " Do you allow misfortune to come to pass..Why does injustice and pain prevail.. Why do certain things happen?" To these I have no answer. But, this I'm sure of: You give us an opportunity to show us that You are God. We hurt so that we can experiene You as Comforter, we are diseased so that we can know you as Healer, we are solitary so that we may know you as Friend. We are orphaned to embrace you as Father. 'Cause knowing You, is feeling You. And yet, in all this it is not You who causes us pain and neither do you let it go in vain. What is intended to harm us, you use it to for good. You glorify your name through us, for us. You are the inner sanctuary behind the curtain. - Marie - 

1 comment:

Comfort-thats me said...

lol so tru!! its like one of those things u neva knw wat u got till its gone.
no woda God brings allows all da madness we go thru.